Clayphonics - grow a plant, seed to harvest, with 4 buckets of water outdoors.


Active Member

About the method:

Did you ever grow in Hydrophonics? Soil?
How much water are you wasting every watering?
What would you say if we told you you can grow a whole plant, seed to harvest, with just 4 buckets of water? and no electricity involve.
The name is Clayphonics Method, its based on the Blumat ( Tropf System, but made it allot cheaper to create and allot easier to Implement for the industrial market.
Well, the first thing that's impotent to talk about,
Is clay, clay has a quite unique ability, like a root of a plant, clay can absorb water and release it to a less wet surface.
Also impotent to mention that due the "sucking" like-quality the clay poses, the system that you will learn to build today, can raise water to Almost anywhere to any height, with no electricity.
So as opposed to "normal" Hydrophonics systems (bubblephonics,aerophonics) that have a pump and needs electric power all the time and waste Awful lot of Water, in clayphonics you don't need electric power and you can grow a plant from start to finish with 4 X 15L buckets.
Think of the watering system as a synthetic root extension.

Here's a example

*Note : The vacuum out-take tube needs to be in the water container. not in the cork. sorry, my bad :)

The few limitations you have are:
1. You cant use fast release organic fertilizers like biobloom and biogrow, you can only use slow release fertilizers and compost.
2. If you buy thin platic tubes you might have salt buildups so always be on the guard.

In the bottom line, Clayphonics is cheap all you need is little clay pots, maybe you can get them free, so you defiantly can use it in a commercial grow because one unit cost like 0.5$ and
can support 2 mature plants, easy to build and operate, self-powered. and its the future of growing hydro outdoors and indoors as well.


Well-Known Member
I tried some thing like this about 10 yrs ago got em at walmat, i had a few on the surface should have used 4, an it should have watered deeper lost most water to evaporation. Worked ok in the spring, but summer was to much for em i had to water the plant alot.

But if they were Bigger an watered deeper they would be alot better. (mine were for small house plants an they would work great indoors)


Well-Known Member
Its a syphon hose that drips in a hollow ceramic cone pluged with rubber stopper. Then its pushed into the soil and kinda acts like a water globe an drips an waters.
But it was a cheepo gimmic version, it s got a sound theory maybe ill try makin one someday that will work outdoor better.