Clean a double chamber?


What is the best way to clean that damn double chamber? I've tried using a soak from the hedshop, but it still leaves residue...

Last thing I've heard: Use crushed up polident.

Haven't tried it yet, figured I'd run it by this crew first.



Well-Known Member
I'll second the alcohol and salt, it's like magic.

Another option is to boil the piece in water, if you've got a big enough pot. I prefer alcohol and salt though. :)


Well-Known Member
alcohol + salt should work perfectly, follow up with hot water, blast through one end and it should get anything loose out. you can run alcohol and salt through one more time to make sure.


I've alwayz used alchol and salt in the past with boiling water rinse... but I have had this thing for a while now and the one of the chamber percs is partially broken :( so no more boiling water becuase I don't want to stres the crack further.

Shaking it with shit inside also worriez me, but it only gets it so clean.
If I decide to try the polident I'll let u know what happenz./

[roor zuma 2 chamber]


Well-Known Member
If you are concerned with shaking you should be able to fill it up with alcohol and let it do its job. It might take longer but it should still work as good.