Cleanin' my piss

I currently will b on probation for 3 years a month from now and I smoke every day does any1 kno how I can pass my drug test when it comes up? I heard sure gel works because it coats the lining of your stomach and you piss out whatever you drink is tgere any truth to this? If not what can I use? I live in jersey


Well-Known Member
First off stay clear of the weed, it stays with you for months, depending on how much you do. In reality, there is no clear cut sure fire way of detoxing your blood and urine. Gel doesn't work either. But try to drink lots of tea and water to at least keep the markers down. They can test your hair too. or you can always see if you can hide a tube of someone else's clean urine in your sock, then use that.

If all else fails, learn to flirt, compliment and fellatio (or cunnilingus depending on who's doing the testing).


Active Member
Drink a gallon of water immediately upon finding out you have to piss. It's gonna suck but drink it in 5 to 10 minutes. Wait to pee until you feel like you're gonna explode. Try to pee twice before you pee in the cup. Only use your mid stream urine in the cup. This will make ur urine water until your kidneys flush the water out. To compensate up your creatinine levels. Take the stuff listed below.

Creatinine is a normal byproduct of muscle metabolism that is present in urine at specific levels. Creatinine levels are one of several "benchmarks," including pH, color, and specific gravity, assayed by urinalysis examiners to weed out diluted samples. In response, would-be drug test "thwarters" engage in several tried-and-true methods – including consuming Vitamin B, riboflavin, and even creatine supplements – to maintain these levels within the ranges acceptable to drug testing labs.


Well-Known Member
yep drink water, water, and more water. especially the day of drink a gal but be prepared for tests every visit and the day after(thats how they nail alot of folks) plus the creatine advice works! good luck!!


Active Member
If you follow my advice word for word you will never piss hot. A gallon of water shuts down your kidneys so that you are pissing pure water. The creatine and vitamins helps restore your PH levels to pass as pee.