Cleaning curing jars.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have suggestions on how to clean out the resin scuzz in the curing jars. Water and dish soap isn't cutting it. I've heard of alcohol and agitating with rock salt and also an apple cider solution. Any thoughts appreciated.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to clean out the resin scuzz in the curing jars. Water and dish soap isn't cutting it. I've heard of alcohol and agitating with rock salt and also an apple cider solution. Any thoughts appreciated.
Yep. ISO and rock or Kosher salt, but even regular Iodized salt will help too if you don't have the others. The salts just an abrasive.
A splash of 91% isopropyl alcohol and a paper towel with a butter knife wrapped up in it to scrub the really bad spots works. I've never had to use the salt in mason jars but it works great with isopropyl in bongs for cleaning. Then rinse with really hot water thoroughly and let dry completely. I've been using the same jars for years. Just keep an eye on the gaskets of the lids for cuts and any signs of buildup. They're the most easily damaged.
A splash of 91% isopropyl alcohol and a paper towel with a butter knife wrapped up in it to scrub the really bad spots works. I've never had to use the salt in mason jars but it works great with isopropyl in bongs for cleaning. Then rinse with really hot water thoroughly and let dry completely. I've been using the same jars for years. Just keep an eye on the gaskets of the lids for cuts and any signs of buildup. They're the most easily damaged.
I agree. You don't really need the salt for jars. But it's good for bongs and pipes.

You can also just get new gaskets. They're cheap.
If you have any friends who have military PX priveledges, the base sells Everclear no matter what the state law is usually. Not sure if you're close to one or not, but it's a work around in states that ban it.

I also have global sentri pass and can go to TJ and cross back in less than 20 mins but I dont have enough flower or resin yet to make Green Dragon. 151 works best to "stay compliant"
gave up with jars to much time cleaning and they don't hold enough- Oven bags/turkey bags are the best in my view