Cleaning res


Active Member
How often do I drain and clean res? Do I need to wipe with a cloth? HAVE BUBBLEPONICS- THANKS


Well-Known Member
You should change res. around every 2 week, clean it with a mild bleach (well diluted) then wash out with washing up liquid and rinse it out well.
P.S if your not having trouble with algae or salt build up, you dont have to clean it out every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
to avoid salt build up, use RO water, believe me when I say, I wish I had at first. (god that shit sucks to clean)


Well-Known Member
you change out the water in your res every week to avoid problems, you do not need to clean with bleach. just change out the water.

When you harvest THEN you need to clean it really good, sanitize and wipe down everything. You only need to do this between grows, but it must be done.


Well-Known Member
I keep about 30 gallons in my rez at any given time(capacity is 55) and I drain and replace with fresh nute solution every two weeks. I clean out the rez with a soap solution every second rez change. Sometimes I only need to wipe it down with a clean rag. I'm using RO water, so I'm sure that helps.