Cleaning your system


Well-Known Member
Well i have to drop on mon and last nite tues i went to a party and smoke what i thought was tobacco then found out it also had weed in it so i want to know if i use nioxin pills wed and thurs along with a workout, (which i workout everyday), will i b able to get my system clean for the test. Also i have only smoked two times this month but both times i smoked it was Purple Kush.


Well-Known Member
drink alot of water till the test, then on the day of the test dont piss when you wake up and drink alot of water and dont piss till the test, that way you will have enough waste built up it shouldnt come back as diluted or whatever they call it when you try to pass a test by drinking lots of water to flush your system. niacin is optional, i know this method works, my two closest smoking buddies are on probation and get tested 1 every month when they visit him, we smoke huge amounts of pot and neither one of them has ever failed the test. one says niacin helps and uses em and the other one doesnt.


sunny number seven my friend. it look like jizz and is nasty as hell and it all way worked for me. i drank bottle of it the day of a UA i had to take for the navy and passed