Clear or cloudy??


Should I start flushing soon? I don't know if these are clear cloudy or mixed, I dont see any amber ones in the mix, but want to have at least a good week or two to flush.

Been using AN two part A&B along with bud candy and Rino Skin. I am just starting week 7. I have a few orange hairs but tons of white ones left. Want to try and make this grow perfect.

It is G Bomb which said 8 week flower time but if I was to guess I would say looks like I still have 2 or three weeks left which whould bring me into week 10. I am only growing one girl under a 600 watt cool tube in a closet CO2 around 1200 PPM.

Does using CO2 make flower period longer? Any help comments suggestions would be great.



Well-Known Member
Giving the plant more of what it needs allows it to grow faster and bigger, C02 is going to do just that, not slow it down. Every strain I have worked with seems to benifit from extra flowering time. I'm not goiong to say the breeder is wrong when they tell you 8 weeks, I find the best gains in the last weeks, flushing takes the nutes away, this is not going to make you plants finish properly, keep the nutes to her as long as she needs. I recommend patients, you come this far take the extra time to let the girls finish properly. Can you post some better picture of the whole plant and bigger close ups of the buds?
get a different light source to take the picture in. I find that when im looking at the plants under the 400w hps the tichs seem to fool my eye. i would look under a daylight colored bulb compact-florescent's work well. Also you can get a good digital camera, takeing a picture while the flash is on will illuminate the trichs, and can be viwed a lil closer in the camera, especially if you can zoom up in the picture. Also veiwing the plant as a whole, clear will obviously illiuminate your plant brightly, while cloudy will look a lil duller, and ambers, well you can see the golden-redish tint
Like in your picture, whatever color your light is, looks like its giving off a reddish tint, so ambers, might look clear, unless they are dark ambers. The way the light hits the trichs sometimes may create a clear to look cloudy or throw off your estimates.
Make sure you have good clear light.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
A lot of confusion over flowering time is that it is mistaken for time on 12/12. Plants will be on 12/12 at least a week before they start to flower. So if you are counting from 12/12, add 7-10 days.


New Member
It's not possible to tell from that picture alone.

They LOOK cloudy.
But they might be clear in reality, because of simply being out of focus - OR surrouning light are reflecting the edges of the "ball" (depending on refraction index) making it look cloudy at the very edges and not center (but that is an illusion, it's all physics).

Really clear ones often look partly black, and might appear darker.

This is only a guess: Oil-balls (thrics) full of THC will diffuse the light (instead of simply refracting through the ball), which makes it less transparent - and more opauqe. Which is why cloudy is peak THC. The more diffusion of light, the more cloudy it is. If light was completely diffused, it would look white opaque!


Thanks all for your help I will try to get better pictures up to day. I was counting from when I turnd the lights back which was the third friday of October. I vegged for a real long time hard a leaf discoloration that I could never correct I eventualy gave up and decided to just flower the bitch so I can move on to bigger better things. Will be back to this latter.