Clone Bucket Leaking thru collars


Well-Known Member
Hey Ya'll
Thanks again to Rollitup users, ya'll have helped me become proficient grower :)

but....... :) I recently bought a clone bucket 2.5 gal 8 site and have success with it Except......... :) the damn thing leaks continually thru the collars WTF. Have replaced the 2 inch collars with new and same problem. tried on 15/15 on /off cycle and still floods the lid

Question is there a right way and wrong way to use the collars ie: flush with lid or as much out as possible?

Question is there a 'better' collar available then the cheapy neoprene's on ebay? waterproof?

I'm running a 171 elemental pump with a 1/2 inch manifold, looked at a 97 gph pump but small pumps do not have the threaded fitting

Also a warning on the Elemental pumps, they are not Chlorine safe, after a few sterilization cycles pump quit working, when disassembled the black filter material had turned to a melted mess through out the pump. Also remove the sticker on pump it deteriorates and clogs pump ans misters

Once again Thank Ya'll here at Rollitup :)
image.jpeg image.jpeg I use pool noodles from the dollar store..cut size bigger than hole in lid to insure a seal, no leaks no issues. If you are in the U.S. Harbor Freight has some $8.00 fountain pumps that do quite well in my cloner with tap water. In this pic, my roots are stained because They recieved Recharge. I usually keep my clones in the cloner longer than I need to.(space)

As far as "a right way to use your collars" In my experience, the collar depth in reference to lid level is insignificant. It's the amount of stem beneath the collar that matters. You'll need to have some collar beneath the lid to support the clone. I tend to go 50/50 with about 1-1.5" of stem beneath the puck.
Once they nub up, I pull the clone up a bit.

Edit**Actually My apologies, I don't you the small harbor freight fountain pumps in my cloner. You are right, the small pumps aren't threaded. I have an eco plus pump in my cloner
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A few of the plants roots are starting to appear suspect. Some are pearly white while a few others have a definite brownish tinge to them. If it was from staining I would assume this would be the same among all plants. In general most of them look very nice though. If there is something starting though it will spread fast. Sorry I know you didnt ask.

I don't think those collars are not waterproof!
are you talking about my pics? the brown tinge is Recharge.
It was really just the one in the middle back. Maybe it's just a shadow but they appear darker then the others.

I feel like I should appologize! Your roots look awesome! It was really just that one.
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It was really just the one in the middle back. Maybe it's just a shadow but they appear darker then the others.

I feel like I should appologize! Your roots look awesome! It was really just that one.
Sorry!'s all good bro. Yea the clones are fine. It's the recharge that's givin them that tinge.
No apology needed. Totally understand where you are coming from by looking at the pic.
Leaking collars can be from too much water spray on their bottoms. I found in my aero system to keep the majority of the spray at root level not against the top surface. You can regulate pressure by installing a waste gate valve and closing it until the spray is at the height you want it.