Clone Checkup


Active Member
Hey guys I just picked up a few clones today and I was wondering if someone could let me know how they look or if there is anything I need to do. The soil is moist so I dont think they need water. This is my first grow and im planning to grow them outdoors in super soil using 10gal smart pots, im a little late in the season but not by much. What im waiting on is my super soil to finish "cooking" in another 20 days or so. Im going to put one of each strain to grow/flower outside then keep the other one of each as mothers and take clones off of them. I dont think im going to be able to keep these in solo cups for another 20 days though, so is it alright if I transplant into say 1 or 2 gal plastic pots then into the final 10 gal smart pots in about a month when my soil is ready (mother would stay in smaller pots)? Checking sunlight for my area, in a month they would still be able to veg outdoors for 30 days or so before it naturally goes 12/12 here on 9/25/17.

So these clones were apparently taken on 6/4 and were rooted in rockwool then transferred to coco solo cups where they sit now. I can see roots in the solo cup but there are a couple issues with the leaves, particularly the HGK 2. Im probably just over thinking it and I should just leave them alone. What I dont want to do is shock them or something when transplanting into the 1-2 gal pots when they're not strong enough for it yet and kill them. I included a pic of my little 3'x4' veg room. Im running a Mars 300w at 18", a little 8" Blizzard fan oscillating on low and have another Blizzard fan acting like an exhaust venting out of the room. There's a 4" passive intake on the left side of the room and one behind the Blizzard on the floor. Im on a 20/4 schedule right now and the temps never move from 74* and 50%rh. Thanks

(2) - Grape Ape
(2) - Holy Grail Kush
(2) - Sweet Tooth

Grape Ape 1-1.JPG Grape Ape 1-2.JPG Grape Ape 1-3.JPG Grape Ape 2-1.JPG Grape Ape 2-2.JPG Grape Ape 2-3.JPG Holy Grail Kush 1-1.JPG Holy Grail Kush 1-2.JPG Holy Grail Kush 1-3.JPG


Well-Known Member
I would go ahead and move them into the one gallons, just watch your water. If they were mine, I would spray them down with Green Cleaner just to make sure there are no bugs. Make sure to get the underside of the leaves. I would love to have some of the Grape Ape and Sweet Tooth. I already have the Holy Grail and I love it! The only reason I say one gallon instead of two is that they are easier to transplant when you get ready for the 10 gallons.


Active Member
Picked up a jewelers loupe and sure enough they have spider mites.. I thought by the white dotting on the leaves that might be the case. Went to the hydro shop but they didnt have Green Cleaner so I picked up Mighty Wash and sprayed them last night and rinsed them this morning. We'll see if they bounce back, fingers crossed!