Clone from already flowering plant


Well-Known Member
My plant tured out to be male but since it was my only one i let it continue growing in 12/12 light for another few weeks. It was fully developed and had pollen everywhere but before i cut it i decided to try out cloing to see if i could manage it when ive got something worth cloning. So i cut a branch and after a week it grew roots and i put it in a small pot. It took a long time before it did anything but then it shot out branches from places i didnt even know branches would grow on. Now it has three heads and strange leaves with 3 tips but growing none the less. I thought this was a neat experiment because ive seen several questions if flowering plants can be put back into veg state and the answer really is yes. However itll hardly grow for about the next 2 weeks but then grow branches everywhere.

The original plant was grown indoors but the clone didnt matter so i just placed it outside my window where it gets decent amout of light i think.

Sorry for the cell phone pictures


Well-Known Member
Well I don't see the point in cloning a male but gl.. It's good practice for cloning once you get a female though. BTW it's not really a question of if you can put a plant back into veg. It's how hard will it be for you and your plant.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't see the point in cloning a male but gl.. It's good practice for cloning once you get a female though. BTW it's not really a question of if you can put a plant back into veg. It's how hard will it be for you and your plant.
experience was the point in cloning it, i didnt want to practice next grow when ive got a nice female.
I decided not to try and keep pollen because i figured it wouldnt last a few months in a fridge or closet.


Well-Known Member
experience was the point in cloning it, i didnt want to practice next grow when ive got a nice female.
I decided not to try and keep pollen because i figured it wouldnt last a few months in a fridge or closet.
It can last in a fridge if stored under optimum conditions.You're right, you're better off using fresh stuff.


Well-Known Member
are you confusing pollen with seeds? I would have kept pollen to pollenate a female plant a little for seeds in the next grow


Well-Known Member
are you confusing pollen with seeds? I would have kept pollen to pollenate a female plant a little for seeds in the next grow
No, I'm not. Pollen can be kept for long periods of time(max 4 months) under PERFECT conditions. but like I said, you'd be better off using pollen from a male plant that you have on hand.


I'm trying my hand at water cloning,no rooting gels or powder no nothing but just straight water in a cup changed daily so the water does not stagnate.Iv'e watched my mother do this on house plants and was wondering would it work with MJ.I took the clone off a plant 3 weeks into flowering and it is sitting with the flowering plant rt now.Flowering plants under 150 HPS.
What would you suggest leaving it where it's at or taking it out of flowering chamber and place on my wndow sill.BTW the lil cutting is not in direct light it is in the shawdow of my 5 gal DWC bucket.
I cut about a 6" clone and took off all the leaves but the very top and a set of leaves under the top.Where do yo stand on this and how do you feel about what I am trying,think it will work?