Clone from mother plant.


Active Member
If i take a clone from my mother plant and leave in the veg room will it become another mother and i can put the recent mother into flower?


Active Member
Yes you can do this but the more and more you use clones to be mothers the more you lose the genetics of the plant. So if you keep switching out new clones to be the new moms you will lose some qualities of the mother which is prolly the reason your keeping this plant as a mother casue your really like it. Also if you keep cloning from clones you have a chance at getting some hermies


Well-Known Member
Clones are called clones because they are the exact same genetics of the mother. You can do that man, I switch out my moms very couple of months just for size reasons. Don't worry about your plant losing genetics, idk how you lose genetics lol


Well-Known Member
Many growers do this. They do it to keep the strain going, without having to repurchase seed. Most take cuttings from a mother bud the mother and all but one of the clones, and veg the one cutting back to a full mother, cut her into clones, keep one and start over and over and over...

You get the idea.


Active Member
yeah the only reason im doing this is because of the size. my mothers are just rediculously huge haha.


Active Member
Clones are called clones because they are the exact same genetics of the mother. You can do that man, I switch out my moms very couple of months just for size reasons. Don't worry about your plant losing genetics, idk how you lose genetics lol
Yes you can lose genetics if you keep cloning clones please dont sit here and correct me if you dont know what your talking about look it up or something. If you keep cloning your clones the genetics will change over time