This is 4weeksfrom rooting and took 8days to root, purple/ red stems and slight leaf curl could this be deficiency? Temps are continually 22-27 degrees 40-45% humidity ,24 hours light and water/water/feed with a dose of veg nutes wich Is a silica nute
The clawing is definitely a sign of nitrogen toxitity. Water with half the amount of nutes you usuallyuse, don't water til the top inch of your medium is dry! And don't forget to have your pH correct for your environment in order for the roots to be able to absorb the proper nutes!
My guess is that you don't have enough perlite in your soil, plant doesn't get the needed drainage and acts over-watered. Get some MiracleGro Potting Mix. Has enough perlite you don't have to add any yourself.