clone humidity


Well-Known Member
no thread hijack but I never knew they get all their water through their leaves, i live in a dry place usually like 15-30% humidity outside and my plants always do bad after getting transplanted, would it be a good idea to mist plants that were newly transplanted? not in the sun of course...)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
no thread hijack but I never knew they get all their water through their leaves, i live in a dry place usually like 15-30% humidity outside and my plants always do bad after getting transplanted, would it be a good idea to mist plants that were newly transplanted? not in the sun of course...)

Clones that have not rooted yet get all their water through the leaves. Once roots are developed they start taking up water through the roots.

Are you starting your plants indoors then transplanting them outside? If so then what you need to do is called "hardening off". This means you leave them in their indoor pot and put them outside (not during the hottest part of the day) for short periods of time and work your way up to more time. Do this for a week so the plant gets used to the outdoor environment.

If you have them indoors and then just plant them outside without hardening off first then it's like a shock to the plant to go from one environment to the other. If you harden them off properly then you should not need to mist them with water when you transplant


Well-Known Member
No hijack here either but my clones tend to get yellow. What do I do? Do I have to feed them food? So I have them in a clone dome but I only get to root about 1 in every 5, anyone know how to fix this problem?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
No hijack here either but my clones tend to get yellow. What do I do? Do I have to feed them food? So I have them in a clone dome but I only get to root about 1 in every 5, anyone know how to fix this problem?

No, do not feed them nutes... they are too young for that. Can you put up a picture of your clones? Explain how you took them and what the medium and environment is?