Clone issues


New Member
Hi. I just got these rooted clones and i transplanted them into Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Ive done this with seedlings and NEVER had an issue. But these clones are acting funny on... day 6 since transplanting. They came in small paper pots and i took them out and put them into these bigger pots with said soil. Heres pics. As you can see there are leaves with issues. They looked fine.. 36 hours ago. Ive grown in this same tent with the same exact setup for years and NEVER had this issue. So please help. :-)

These are rooted clones. I have them on 18/6 light cycle.


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^ Will they recover if i stop watering them for a few days ? Im use to doing seedlings, never experienced this before. Usually with the seedlings i keep the soil wet. But as this is my first time doing clones any info would be great. I just hope i didnt mess these up as i cant afford to get new ones :-(
This is a guess but if they've been accustomed to low light levels and then slapped straight under intense light levels they maybe in shock.

I have the LED light on low setting. They were under a LED like what i have. 18/6. But they were not in a tent with the reflextive material i have.

what would you recommend I do ?
^ Will they recover if i stop watering them for a few days ? Im use to doing seedlings, never experienced this before. Usually with the seedlings i keep the soil wet. But as this is my first time doing clones any info would be great. I just hope i didnt mess these up as i cant afford to get new ones :-(
They should recover, wait until the pot gets lite before watering.
^ Thanks so much. I hope they recover :-(. What a bummer to look in and see them look like this and a few days ago they looked fine.
If the plants are in shock like mentioned by someone above, what can i do to help the situation ? As i said my light is on its lowest setting. The clones were under a light just like mine and theres seemed to be on the same setting as mine (low). But as i said my tent has the reflextive material, so maybe this could have caused it.?
If the plants are in shock like mentioned by someone above, what can i do to help the situation ? As i said my light is on its lowest setting. The clones were under a light just like mine and theres seemed to be on the same setting as mine (low). But as i said my tent has the reflextive material, so maybe this could have caused it.?

Time, and patience, you’re not going to see big changes overnight. Don’t start making big changes, just let the soil dry out and water only when when the pots get light. If you start throwing the kitchen sink at them you’ll probably do more harm than good.
Ive had a similar thing happen many times. They will recover once the roots really grow into the new soil.
You can also make more of your own clones once the plants grow out.
Its going to be fine.
^ Thanks very much ! :-) . Ill have to post some pics of the outdoors sometime in the future. Those are looking mighty nice. I hadnt done any indoors in my tent since March when i harvested because i knew i was gonna do outdoors. I found a place near me that sells clones so i took a gamble on them. Two of the clones is Chocoberry and the other two are Punchberry. I dont know a whole lot about the strains to be honest tho. So if anyone knows where i could find some good info on these 2 strains let me know. :-)

My outdoors are two strains i created about 2 years ago. Im not sure what they are to be honest tho haha. I have quite the collection of seeds and i never labeled them over the years. So its anyones guess haha. But ones a Sativa and the other is an indica.

Really hope these clones survive as i dont have the loot to get more of em, but i like to learn something new and as i mentioned above id never started with clones, always seed. So this is a first for me after about 20 some odd years of growing. Fingers crossed ;-)
Ok i have NOT watered them for a few days and i looked at them today and they are no worse than before and actually the new growth looks nice and green. So i think i was just overwatering them like folks above mentioned. But i was afraid to look at them today as i was expecting the worst. So i can relax now about them and all systems are a go :-) Thanks yall ! :-)

Ill post pics later in the week of how they look and ill post some of my outdoors i currently have. The outs look nice ;-)
This pic was taken about 10 days ago, ill have to post a more updated picture. This thing has gotten pretty big. This was a random plant i put out in 2nd week of June. Didnt expect it to do anything. But its about a 20in bud. Its about as around a a baseball. Was shocked when i came up here yesterday and saw how much bigger its gotten. The whole plant is basically just a bud. Ill post some of the other bigger outdoors later. This is the smallest plant I have. My others are 6+ ft. More pics to come


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Heres two pics of some of my others. ;-)

The one in the 1st pic is about 7ft tall. The 2nd pic is my... 4ft(er). I have more, so ill post more pics a bit later ;-)

Clones are doing VERY well so ill upload some updated pics of the clones when i get home on monday ;-)


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