Clone leaves turning yellow and brown, slight dropping.


New Member
This clone is 8-9 days old and it has started to droop and discolor.

We had a some sort of parasite and used a neem solution on it about 4 days ago.

Could this still be because of the parasites or could it be another issue?



Well-Known Member
You might have some root rot from too much water. As others have mentioned, let it dry out some and then give it plain water and maybe a little B1 if you have some laying around. The plant looks okay though all things considered. It should be fine.


Well-Known Member
It wasnt ready for open air if it wilted up when you removed the humidity dome. You need to break it in to the open air. how many days after roots shown did you transplant it? How many days ago did you cut clone? How many days after it rooted did you remove dome? What soil mix is in pot?