Clone on day 21 of flower???????


Active Member
I just took a clone off of my Amnesia, and I was just wondering, I've had no success with clones ( only tried one other time and they died ).... is taking a clone 21 days into flowering a no no??? The clone I took had very little new growth, and I don't think it would have produced as much as the bigger branches.

I'm using Green Light Rooting Hormone- Is that a bad cloning powder?
If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me........


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I forgot to mention, I scraped the stem with a clean knife before dipping it in the rooting hormone, I read somewhere that helps roots grow that true?
someone told me to leave the cap on, and just air it out twice a day for the first two days, then leave it completely uncovered after that.....??????
how much did you scrape just the outer layer and it just makes more space for roots to form well i guess it could help it form a lil faster also did you cut it at an angle
yeah thats fine just wasnt sure if you had it on the all the time as long as your getting air in there your good
You have to leave the hood on 'till you see signs of roots. Not sure what you clone is sitting in, it looks like straight perlite, not sure if that's good. I've always used reockwool cubes (small cubes abt 1.5" ) for cloning and had good results. Using rockwool cubes you can see the roots as they start to show through the cube. Clones have no roots and need constant humidity to survive, that's the only way they can take in h2o. Once you see signs of roots you have to slowly aclamate them to fresh air gradually, raise the hood a little every day, place some objects under the hood to raise it a little, untill your're able to remove the hood completely. Always worked for me.
Yea I'm using only perlite ( victim of location ) the closest hydro grow shop is over 30 miles away, and I don't drive.......Lowe's is a short walk ( 5 min ) and they dont sell rockwool cubes.
You can do it in soil, that's much better, perlite is no good the clone has to be (how can I say this?) wraped tightely around so no air gets to the area where the roots will grow. That's probably your problem, try it and I'm shure you'll be satisfied. Also, you're better off having your clone in a cup of soil and sitting in a small tray and have the hood cover the tray completely, You could put a little layer of perlite in the tray and keep it moist so the heating matt will produce constant moisture....Hope this helps and feel free to ask more questions. Sorry this was so long but I'm glad to help. Good luck my friend.
BTW, I forgot to mention, you should have a propagation matt (heating matt) under you clone, make sure it has a thermastat and maintain 70 to 80 deg. That helps to maintain high humidity. Keep and eye on it and make sure it doesn't dry out, you can remove the hood and add h2o as needed but as I said you must keep the hood on 'till it looks like roots have taken over.
No, use the same amount of rooting hormone, just dip your clone in water and dip it in the hormone if it's powdered. or if it's gel use the same amt you've always used.
Yea I'm using only perlite ( victim of location ) the closest hydro grow shop is over 30 miles away, and I don't drive.......Lowe's is a short walk ( 5 min ) and they dont sell rockwool cubes.

Just remembered, you could use those peat pot starter pellets ( I think that's what they call them ) I'm sure that will work better, you soak them and they expand. with those you'll have a better chance of seing the roots stick out. I'm pritty sure they sell them at lowes or better yet a garden center near you.
Hey, I just found this indoor planting guide with perlite, and it says it's perfect for plant cuttings-(clones) and rooting, what should I do? I don't want to cause any extra stress by transplanting it to soil, if perlite will work.
Has anyone here cloned in 100% perlite before with success?

Here is the page, the part I'm talking about is the last on the page.
I know it's good for hydro dwc seed starting, these are some pictures of growing seed in 100% perlite dwc success.


But as I said before, I haven't successfully cloned before, so I'm still not sure...........
Thanx for the advice man, I'm not taking it with a grain of salt, but the only available soil to me at the moment is a pot full of miracle grow, that I pulled a dead tomato plant from today. That was an outdoor grow, and I'm afraid if I use that dirt, I might bring in some unwanted pest......