Clone Question. (1st timer)

Hello everyone~

My main question is.
Is it ok, good bad or whatever. To take cut-lings once the plant shows sex? Or... During flowering?

I heard that also when you start. The plants can poop out a little but bounce back...? Is this normal or not so much?

I know lame questions. But not 100% sure.

If there is a link I passed up. please toss it too me.




Active Member
Once u it's a girl u can take cuttings any time. If u take it from a flowering girl, it can take some time for it to adjust back to a veg schedule. I usually don't do this because I try to keep things efficient, but Its perfectly acceptable and not uncommon practice.
The spinner in my little cloner got crapped out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( The plants all dropped... I took out the spinner thing and let the water just rush the top of the thing and splash everywhere in it. Nothing comes out and everything is getting great flow of water. Plants pop back up. But leaves don't look so hot. BUT! The roots are going nuts! :D Is this normal and I have nothing to worry about or should I? there is new growth on them all but just a tiny bit.(leaves) lot of the older leaves no looky good x.x


Well-Known Member
I take my first round of clones within the first week of 12/12, then last clones at day 30, some of the day 30 clones have buds on them and take a little longer to revert back to veg and push out roots. I've never had an issue doing it this way, an never lost a clone.


Well-Known Member
Normally take my clones from my mother, no problems.
I have taken clones from other plants from 3 weeks Veg to 1 week in flower.