Clone Questions - revert to veg state?


Active Member
I'm very new at this. Grew 2 adult females in my yard and have 3 clones off of them. The adults had already started to flower, so the clones have followed suit (to a lesser degree).

I can't keep the clones outside until maturity because of the change of season, so I plan to finish the grow inside. I'm going to try LED grow lights. I believe the clones need to be "reverted" back so they get some more height/maturity before they flower.

My questions if anyone can help...
1) Should I prune the buds off the clones?
2) What is the best lighting option in terms of on/off to bring them back to veg growth?
3) Anything I should watch for in terms of the transition from outside to indoor?

Any help and/or feedback is greatly appreciated.


the best way would be to grow them and take clones from them. making them grow back to veg would take to long and is pretty stressful on the plant

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Just put your clones under a low wattage floro on 24/7, and let them re-veg. You can remove the buds, but I never do. They will take some time to re-veg, and growth will slow remarkably until that happens. You are going to see some extremely weird shit during the process, but don't worry, they'll come out of it.