Clone tricks?


Its my first grow with three plants under my stairs.
low budget and its actually going really good!

Im now at the point where i want to start taking some clones of these ladies :weed:

I've been lookin in the web and other sources on basic cloning techniques and have just tried it myself.

I was wondering what tricks anyone here might have to better clones, past basic steps.

respect ;):joint:


Well-Known Member
Reducing the Nitrogen content in your mother plant (before you take the cutting) will help the cuttings root faster. You can do this by reducing the ferts you're feeding them and also by spraying them with water to help the plant 'use up' the N. Not necessary but definitely speeds up the rooting process.

Also give your mother some B vitamins to help the mother and clones deal with the stress.

Also you can split the stem of the cutting a little to help promote more roots - this will slow the rooting process but will give you a bigger root mass in the end.

There are a lot of different techniques out there... try a few different ones.