

Active Member
I need some help. I have a white widow that has been in bloom for 6 days. Is it to late to take clones off her? Should I wait and reveg her instead?
Thanks mijobe


Active Member
well if shes only been in flower for 6 days cloning wont be any harder than normal, but sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
Both work.

There is a possible delay in clone time over a non-flowering cut.

Woody stalk is better than green I have found.

Reveg works too so aim for both and if the first works then you can skip the second!

My clones became a cat bed and didn't recover so i had to reveg.. I have no complaints about reveg clones.

What method are you doing for the clones?

Oh and I believe changing to 24 hrs of light is a bit like blanking out the hormone production but that is me.. Maybe your observations on early flowering will be different but had some keepers in a cab where i forgot to set the timer to 14 from 12.. They were under three days then I blanked them with 24 and they have not flowered.. Oh one is growing bud like veg but no flowers.

If you want try switching back now under 24 and take cuts? Just an idea not a suggestion. Please make your own decisions!

But yeah you can get clones now..