Clones Advice Please


hi guys i just done a few plants and i never done very well with my yields, the buds on the plants never filled out like it did on my last crop (diffrent plants) though not sure why as my last crop come out ok,

my question is i took some clones for mother plants before placeing these ones on 12 hours but as these never done so well will my mother plants i took give me the same clones with small yields? should i just buy some more seeds just to be on the safe side? or are each clone diffrent?

thanks for any advice :)


Well-Known Member
the mother isn't the problem but there isn't much to go off in the long did you veg the clones for?


Well-Known Member
Clones are exact copies of the mothers. If you want to mess around with yield, dont go straight to 12/12 imo ever. Veg for atleasstt a few weeks. Top it, do some low stress training. I assure you , just from what ive said "WILL" give you better result just about 100% of the time. The only thing you can do to change the characteristics of the clone from the mother is if you put it in a different enviorment, humidity , nutrients ect ect..


sorry guys i grew these from seed in soil and let them get to about a foot some were higher before putting them on 12 hours.. i normaly veg plants for about 2-3 weeks from clonesand use hesi for my feed as have had good results in the past with hesi had 6 plants under 600w duel


Well-Known Member
Heat would be my first guess, if they where exact copies something went wrong... If its worth keeping around keep it and find out what you did if not get some new strains and give them a try.