Clones from feminized plants?


Well-Known Member
here I am again with another question;

can you take clones from a plant grown from a pre feminized seed?

Anyone doing it successfully now or in the past please chime in!



Well-Known Member
I read that there can be genetic anomalies when clones are taken from pre fem plants.

Just one authors opinion, I guess I read to much.

have you ever had them turn hermi or be stunted etc?

Thanks for the response!



Well-Known Member

that is the plan a perpetual harvest from a pre feminized seed.

Producing clones that are only female then make a few Moms and fill my tent.



Well-Known Member
Cloning a feminized plant is no different then cloning a non feminized plant of the same strain. It will keep all characteristics of the mother plant because they are geneticly identical. Any problems you run into would be strain related and not a result of the feminized seed


Well-Known Member
Cloning is way quicker while they are still vegging. You can do it in flower too, just takes longer, cause they go through a weird retarded looking re vegging stage. From what i have read, cloning when in flower can increase likelihood of a hermie, although i cant say i have experienced it. I took clones in both, and specially noted the ones from flower, and nothing bad happened.
As TheSnake said veg is best otherwise the clones will come out looking like your plan had a love affair with Rocky Dennis and also trick I learned from reading posts is when you clone cut the tips of the leaves off about half inch this slows down growing wait before you freak and are all like what's this guys deal slow down growth to allow you little babies to take root and another trick people are for this and against it use clear cups so you can see when your root hits bottom and is ready for transplant everybody on thread great info and great questions remember the only dumb question is one you don't ask
Can I get an amen lol
Props to your crops


Well-Known Member
I run a lot of bag seed. When I flip em and I find out she's a keeper I clip the lower shoots and clone them cause my plants don't get lower light right now. It takes a little longer to get roots but then I have a known female to use as mother. I top her and lst the branches to the end of the pot. Then I clip some clones from the middle. It amazes me the different strains we can get in regs around here. It's not always brick weed from Mexico. I think sometimes people buy seeds and try a grow but get males and their crop gets ruined so they sell it as regs. I get a hermie once in a blue moon. I do mostly clones but I still can't help myself and have to germinate more of the thousands of bag seeds I have just to see what I get. I have a indica dom bag seed plant now 30 days in veg with fan leaves bigger than my hand. Sorry to ramble on.