Clones from rockwool


Well-Known Member
Most of the clones I have grown from had been started in rock wool cubes in a solo cup with soil as well. In the past I have just taken the entire contents of the cup and straight transplanted them into soil in a fabric pot. I was wondering if others that starts their plants this way actually remove the rock wool before transplanting into soil. I cannot complain about my harvests, but I am always interested to find out what others do and if there are ways to improve.
I would worry about damaging roots by tearing away the rockwool. Better to reserve rockwool for hydro and Jiffy pucks or something similar for soil grows. The clones root just as easily in either medium.
Picture 015.jpgPicture 014.jpgPicture 064.jpgPicture 111.jpgi clone in rockwool & advance into larger 3x3x4 r/w blocks & veg under t-5's until ready to use i dont think you could separate the rockwool without severe root damage & probably killing the plant i used to grow in rockwool blocks & slabs which worked as good as what im doing now i just couldnt move the plants around as the slabs are 12x36in.
Thanks! Kind what I assumed which was why I never pulled them. When I do my own cuttings I usually just grow the roots in water in a solo cup then put them straight into soil. The clones I get from the dispensary are in the small cubes then stuffed in a solo cup with soil.

Thanks for the pics Herk, those look great, but I think I am too lazy for anything but soil :D Plus I need to travel often.
Mornin' hbbum,
On those clones you get from the dispensary, You could empty the dirt from the very top of the solo cup (no roots there) and bury the rest a little higher then the new soil surface. Hard to explain...wish I was an artist. But you would end up with about half the rockwool exposed above the surface to minimize any risk from the rockwool becoming oversaturated. And never water directly on the rockwool and you shouldn't have any problems.
Good luck...
Awesome, thanks. I usually bury the stem pretty deep so the rock wool is pretty far down. I plan on grabbing some of my own clones from this wince it comes time to do some trimming so I won't need to worry about that next run. But the dispensary clones are just too easy to get with some many cool strains. They only cost $5-20 a piece so it is actually cheaper than the cost of maintaining a mother with the number of plants I grow. I will see if I can keep the tent going for awhile, but I end up getting more than I realistically can use after a couple of cycles, and that was with my earlier space which was less than half of this size. Not that I am complaining :D