I decided to take a try and cloning. Something I have always wanted to try but didn’t have the space to do so.
Anyway my question is in regards to stuffing the cutting into rockwool.
the cubes have that existing hole in them. But my cutting are a little smaller then the hole and flop around.
I just pressed the cutting in a little
Further into the cube. Now they stand upright.
Is this correct or should I be waiting to take larger stemmed clones?
I razor blade cut then on a 45*.
Scraped the bottom 3/4”
Dunked in cloning gel
Pressed into rockwool cubes
Stuck in my homemade solo cup humidity dome
I soaked the cubes overnight in 50/50 Tap/RO with a light shot of GH rapid start. PH 5.5.
Hopefully they take.
I dunno. What do you think?

Anyway my question is in regards to stuffing the cutting into rockwool.
the cubes have that existing hole in them. But my cutting are a little smaller then the hole and flop around.
I just pressed the cutting in a little
Further into the cube. Now they stand upright.
Is this correct or should I be waiting to take larger stemmed clones?
I razor blade cut then on a 45*.
Scraped the bottom 3/4”
Dunked in cloning gel
Pressed into rockwool cubes
Stuck in my homemade solo cup humidity dome
I soaked the cubes overnight in 50/50 Tap/RO with a light shot of GH rapid start. PH 5.5.
Hopefully they take.
I dunno. What do you think?