Clones rooted and now yellowing, and not growing


Any help would be very appreciated. I'm a newbie and this is my first attempt.

I have 4 clones, got them to root fine, and they haven't done well since.

My setup:
Coco soilless
House and Garden Cocos A/B 5.5ml dose with Algen Extract (per H&G instructions)
Using tap water
400w mh at 18 hours
Temp is high at 80-85 (can't get it lower due to summer heat)
Watering by hand when coco is dry an inch or so below the surface.
Using Nutrients every watering
Just flushed with plain water in case I over fertilized.
PH going in 5.8, PH of drainage 6.3

Plants are about a foot tall currently.
They haven't grow very much at all, it's been 3-4 weeks.
Purple on the stems.
Original leaves of clone turned yellow.
They were directly under 4 high output t5 fluorescents until I got the 400w mh 4 days ago.
They've been getting worse daily, even after moving from the t5's to the 400mh.

Thanks again for any advice!



Well-Known Member
Oh, your following the H&G instructions? Flushing was a good idea, usually full strength as per their instructions is WAY too hot. Try cutting down to half strength after this flush.

4 2 0

Active Member
its normal for the original clones leaves to yellow, and i never feed untell clones or seeds are a month old or showing signs of deficiancy, i would trim off those yellowed leaves, use straight water, and maybe swap back to the T'5s if the MH is making it that hot right now? Just my 2 cents.


Thanks for the input guys. Once the clones were well rooted, I started with half the recommended feeding dose, and then stepped it up gradually. According to H&G, I should be at a higher dose then I am. I'll start them back on straight water and then after awhile, half the recommended dosage. The MH isn't the main heat source problem, it's just that hot were I'm at.

From what I've read, the purple stems are a sign of either nitrogen or magnesium deficiency. Nitrogen deficiency also causes stunted growth. So I wasn't sure if I wasn't giving them enough, or if I locked them up with to much nutrient. Since they're still alive, I'll just do the water and then start back up on the nutrients again.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the input guys. Once the clones were well rooted, I started with half the recommended feeding dose, and then stepped it up gradually. According to H&G, I should be at a higher dose then I am. I'll start them back on straight water and then after awhile, half the recommended dosage. The MH isn't the main heat source problem, it's just that hot were I'm at.

From what I've read, the purple stems are a sign of either nitrogen or magnesium deficiency. Nitrogen deficiency also causes stunted growth. So I wasn't sure if I wasn't giving them enough, or if I locked them up with to much nutrient. Since they're still alive, I'll just do the water and then start back up on the nutrients again.

Thanks again!

I'm doing my first grow in coir I was having sort of the same problem. what I did and within 12 hours i'm seeing a difference already a big one. you might think it's nasty lol but it can't be any worse then the other shit we use. I did some research coir is high in salts so depending on what brand your using and if you prebuffered depends on whether i would try this in your case. i took a 2 gallon jug pissed in it filled the rest with water checked the ph levels they were kind of high 7.4 so i used a syringe and ph down up to the one mark dropped the ph down to 6.5 fed the plants the piss and water combo and 12 hours later a few plants have grown new leaves already while the ones i didnt water have remained unchanged. i also realised coco coir ph adapts very fast faster then soil which is good. anyways if ya got a ph meter 2 gallon jug give it a shot. it worked for me. Also dont ever just piss straight on the plants and never use urine in flowering use your regular ferts but in veg it works amazingly well. and the best part is it's free. just make sure you ph it and that should keep the salts from building up and binding to the acids which creates the lockout. anyways the reason i'm suggesting this is cuz it's a great way to get nitrogen to your plants. but anyways hope it works out for you. also if anyone else decides to do this just dont' exceed 10:1 ratio 10 parts water 1 part urine. that's why i use a 2 gallon jug because i know i can't fill it no where near that lol.


Active Member
Not sure this has anything to do with anything but, did you root them under the t5s? I use side light from my t5s that I use for veg, let them go for three weeks wihthout even picking one up to check for roots. After three weeks I will have 10sh inch roots and very little yellowing! I look at it like I'm not trying to grow the plant with a bunch of light but instead I am growing roots with very little light! Sorry if I said anything that is obvious:)

this is just one of the many articles you can find online about it yes it has ammonia in it but you dillute actually if you look at alot of fertilizers that are high in N a ingredient frequently used is urea which is urine but i figured it'd be safer to use my own since i know my diet isn't that bad. i wouldn't reccomend using like cat are dog urine they have more ammonia on it. here's a thing to pay attention to if you go out and piss on your grass notice it turns yellow but when it grows back it comes back more green and grows rapidly. this is because at first you burned the grass it was to toxic but after a few rains it recovers. so by adding the water you are dilluting anything that could possibly damage the plant but just follow a few rules 10.1 ratio and ph check which you should be doing anyways. like i said it may not be for everyone as there is a yuck factor but hell anything you put in your plant in veg is gonna get used up and released by the end of your flower cycle and as i said this shouldn't really be used in flowering since it's so high in

here's a note from that site you should pay attention to
Our urine contains significant levels of nitrogen, as well as phosphorous and potassium (typically an N-P-K ratio around 11 – 1 – 2.5, similar to commercial fertilizers). Americans produce about 90 million gallons of urine a day, containing about 7 million pounds of nitrogen


Active Member
They might have too many leaves, usually after my clone roots only the growth tips and maybe one set of leaves below stay, the rest are usually cut off or fall off of their own accord...

4 2 0

Active Member
I'm doing my first grow in coir I was having sort of the same problem. what I did and within 12 hours i'm seeing a difference already a big one. you might think it's nasty lol but it can't be any worse then the other shit we use. I did some research coir is high in salts so depending on what brand your using and if you prebuffered depends on whether i would try this in your case. i took a 2 gallon jug pissed in it filled the rest with water checked the ph levels they were kind of high 7.4 so i used a syringe and ph down up to the one mark dropped the ph down to 6.5 fed the plants the piss and water combo and 12 hours later a few plants have grown new leaves already while the ones i didnt water have remained unchanged. i also realised coco coir ph adapts very fast faster then soil which is good. anyways if ya got a ph meter 2 gallon jug give it a shot. it worked for me. Also dont ever just piss straight on the plants and never use urine in flowering use your regular ferts but in veg it works amazingly well. and the best part is it's free. just make sure you ph it and that should keep the salts from building up and binding to the acids which creates the lockout. anyways the reason i'm suggesting this is cuz it's a great way to get nitrogen to your plants. but anyways hope it works out for you. also if anyone else decides to do this just dont' exceed 10:1 ratio 10 parts water 1 part urine. that's why i use a 2 gallon jug because i know i can't fill it no where near that lol.
DO NOT FEED YOUR PLANTS WITH URINE!! it will have negative effects if any, plus your smoking it after so ew. if you need a organic boost use a tablespoon of molasses per gallon, did wonders in and out for me. I remember when i was 12 and pissed on one of my dads vegetables thinking it would help it, and it died...
first mistake you pissed on it that's like taking concentrated orange juice and drinking it as i said before you have to dillute it 1/10 ratio but actually urine is a 12-1-1 npk very good for veg and clones anyways man you'll use bat shit and cow shit but human piss is gross. expand your mind anyways i've been doing this for a while still and it works the key is phing and dilluting just like you dillute your bottled fertilizers by the way google urea and look at the ingredients list on any veg formula guarentee it's in there and that is just piss from another animal. anyways you can listen to this guy but you wouldn't feed a clone mollasses seeing how molasses is just a carb booster which helps in the flowering stage not the clone/seedling/veg phase. do some research before you inform others i dont post things that aren't tried and true