Clones Turning Yellow Pic Included

I have a couple clones that I placed in a bubble cloner machine about 16 days. I seen roots at about day 8. I planted them in sunshine mix#4 a couple days ago and gave them about 400PPM of veg nutrients and they are still turning yellow. Are they going to survive ???



Staff member
His chart is extremely helpful
Just to let you know never put plants in clear or light coloured containers really bad on the roots
If you think back on any plant ever planted none are ever in light coloured or clear pots

Go to a garden store buy some proper pots they cost like 60 cents
Damaged plant areas will not go back to dark green they will eventually fall off once the damage is done
If new growth isn't changing than the problem has been solved


Well-Known Member
I dont know about those witch cloners. I use rock wool like grampee did. But if you fed themm 400 ppm id sit and wait it out. They dont need that much, infact you may have hurt them with such a high dose of food, but wait it out. Just use water for a week and see what happens. Check out what nute burn looks like and try to save as many leaves as you can. Clip off the real dead parts and feed a little less, like 150 ppm here and there until you transplant in two weeks. Then feed at every watering at doses that increase till ya get bigger and flower. Add cal mag for sure along with the feed and you should be ok. You have to feed soilless every water. So dont feed too much and dont feed too little ;)


Well-Known Member
Get some rhizatonic,or something that does the same job,i would also have a good look at the roots,easy to do this your useing clear pots not a good idea,it is how mould is formed so get them into pots that are not clear.Take of the yellow leaves it could be a boron problem.

Clones of that age do best on about 1.1 for a week,if the roots look dark then you might have to use something like canazime this will help get shut of the bad roots and help the new roots take a hold.

If these were mine then i would pick the best out ditch the rest or if they are all the same get new ones,if you have bought them in then ask if you can see the mother if the mother looks sick then change strain or buy seeds of it


Well-Known Member
People will argue that clear cups are fine...but I think even those people transplant when they see roots. Roots will start to green up. Not good. I personally put clear inside of opaque cups to allow examination of roots by sliding them out instead of dumping..but this is when starting the cloning in cups. I also add NO nutes to my water until they have shown to be happy in their new pot on first transplant.
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Well-Known Member
I know this is a cpl wks old but hats is completely normal for clones to go yellow like that after a cpl wks. They do it after establishing a root base. I cant really speak too much on soil as I'm a hydro grower, but every one of my clones I put up in a bubble cloner do exactly that. I would go a bit lighter than 400 ppm on the nute strength that early in the rooting phase. Maybe stick with your waters ppm plus + 100 ppm of a high nitrogen nute. Just until you have more nodes (4+) and bump it up when she recovers from the rooting phase and the yellowing is done and there is a lot of new green growth. I'm curious as to how they are doing now?
I know this is a cpl wks old but hats is completely normal for clones to go yellow like that after a cpl wks. They do it after establishing a root base. I cant really speak too much on soil as I'm a hydro grower, but every one of my clones I put up in a bubble cloner do exactly that. I would go a bit lighter than 400 ppm on the nute strength that early in the rooting phase. Maybe stick with your waters ppm plus + 100 ppm of a high nitrogen nute. Just until you have more nodes (4+) and bump it up when she recovers from the rooting phase and the yellowing is done and there is a lot of new green growth. I'm curious as to how they are doing now?
They turned out just fine...thanks for the advice