Clones Wilted(blackjack)


Active Member
I took these clones from a 4 week old blackjack plant about 4 days ago. Until yesterday they looked fine, they even had new leaves growing on them. Then the bag on the top came loose and every single one was floppy and wilty like canned spinach. The stems were soft and rubbery, super floppy. I used shultz Take Root on these guys. I scraped the bottom inch or so of the cuttings up then applied the powder. Inside the fish bowel the temp is about 85 degrees.

This morning I sprayed the leaves with some water and put the top back on, they seem to be sticking back up and leaves seem to be growing again but there are still dead leaves. Do they look like they are going to make it? Also, should I remove the dead leaves from the clones?



Well-Known Member
I'd quit fucking with them. When I clone I use a humidity dome as you have some kind of rig similar. I take the cuts, then 4-5 days they come back, 14-21 days they're rooted and generally ready, but until then they look pretty miserable for a while. Seriously stop handling them if you want them to make it... Just spray em twice a day and forget about it for a while..


Well-Known Member
For one, they're a bit too leafy, which is the main reason they are wilting. The second reason, is the temp. With that much foliage, at 85*, and not having any roots, they are going to have trouble staying hydrated, and will droop. Clip the lower sets of fans leaves off, saving the one good set at the top of the cutting, and the grow tip. That one larger cutting looks like hell, and I don't even know if it has a grow tip,lol so it'll take forever to root, if at all. Also, as mentioned....don't move them around. If they swivel/move around in those peat pellets, that'll disturb the rooting process, and delay things.


Well-Known Member
P.S. Also, the cuttings have to be tight in the pellets, making good contact with the stem, or they'll droop and take forever to root, if at all. That's also another reason to not move them around. Once they are put in their dome, they should be misted lightly, but not handled, unless absolutely necessary. When you get it down, you should have rooting times of 6-8 days(except for the occasional strain that is a bitch to :)


Active Member
keep them moist, not saturated. they need to be taken care of couple times a day. sometime watering can be 2 times a day. just dont let them dry out. AND keep them warm. you cant let them cool off. cold=slow rooting