clones wilting


Active Member
i just cloned some plants, dipped em in some clonex, and stuck them in my diy aerocloner. well they are wilting and look lifeless. should i be worried? it's been only a few hours so i was wondering if hey'll spring back up soon.
the temp is around 80 and the ph is about 6-6.5. also i had some clonex left over, can i dump the rest on my aerocloner or just toss it?


Well-Known Member
I never used an aero cloner but I hear good things, I dont like clonex much, though I do use it ocasionaly along with a hormone powder.
how much light are you giving them (not time)?
throw a clone dome over them.
hopfuly somone who used an aerocloner will come chimming in soon.


New Member
your good man they arent dying....come pon over to ...lots of good advice and some bad. but they should have a few hours of lights out after being put in. some use a humidom, some dont. they'll bouncse right back then 24/7 on the cfl's and your cloning your ass off aero style temp should be 78 in the water and 80-85 ambient air and humidity should be high. but that ph needs to be a 5.8 and adjust down as needed when it rises over 6.3.....happy growing