
im thinking of cutting some clones, but i do not have any of the nutes or rock wool required, has anyone tryed doing it straight in to soil with no nutes, and haw did they turn out?


Well-Known Member
If u take a healthy cutting, some good airy soil, and u trim off the big fan leafs u can do it! I just cut an entire branch and it rooted within a week!


Well-Known Member
i do veggies just right into soil, tomatoes and peppers.. i recently just started cloning basil, its fun. clone some regular plants and youll learn a great method quick then stick with it


Well-Known Member
You should have no problems doing it in soil, just don't forget to use root hormone and put a dome over it 'till rooted.


Well-Known Member
i took a branch, dipped it in rooting gel
then I stuck it in FF soil and the branch took
root and grew into a nice healthy plant.
i never used a dome but I can't say this will
work for you


Well-Known Member
most cuts-

will root in a mason jar full of water within a week.

put a hundred of em in there. htey don't care.