Clonex gel in cloner?


Well-Known Member
This is the first time I used clonex in my ez cloner. It worked lol very good roots but the roots are pink has anyone experience this? 30ml of clonex for 2 gals
The gel itself is pink yea? Maybe the roots aren't ready to absorb whatever is in there.

What method are you using to clone (ez cloner is aero?) and how long have the roots been showing?
Thanks for the reply, Yes Aero and it's been showing for a few days I switched water to base nutes at 250ppm they look good besides the pink roots
Someone told me that I was supposed to use the liquid instead of the gel when adding to the cloner. I did the gel didn't know it was bad to do it with gel n not the liquid
Im really surprised that the gel didn't wash off after all that time(the reason your friend suggested not to use gel) yet again that doesn't seem to have been a problem for you

can you post a picture ?
clonex gel has a stain called crystal violet whose color changes for different pH values. It's purple out of the bottle, but I'd guess pink at your cloner's pH. Crystal violet also as antimicrobial properties.

I'm curious how fast your clones rooted and how they look otherwise? Length and root number per stem?

The amount you added would yield an IBA hormone concentration of 12 ppm, which is pretty high for long-term exposure. Tissue cultures of cannabis usually uses about 0.5 ppm of IBA.
This is the first time I used clonex in my ez cloner. It worked lol very good roots but the roots are pink has anyone experience this? 30ml of clonex for 2 gals
Most growers use bubble cloners to grow roots ...but not you, why add clone solution to plants with no roots,
at best they will be in the cloner 10 days at most, and can live easy with no nute, food, or clone solution ..?
no need for any cloning gel. Just soak cuttings in tap water for a couple hours to cauterize the cut to prevent embolism

then throw them in the cloner.

water temp plays a major factor in results. My first round with my cloner was failure. After I dialed it in I got 100% results everytime. So have frozen water bottles on hand. An air pump / air stones will prevent slime from forming. Plus adds o2 to the water

depending on strain I have roots in 5-12 days. Clones from flowering plants take 2-3 weeks
Vostok, in micropropgations studies on cannabis (there's not very many, but enough for some good knowledge) they use a nutrient mix called MS media (stands for murashige and skooge medium; named after the scientist who discovered it) anyhow, ALL of the studies have a consensus that 1/2 strength MS media (1/2 strength mineral nutrients) outperforms NONE OR full strength.

These studies also conclude that IBA is better than IAA OR NAA for rooting cuttings, so pay attention to the hormones in you rooting gels/powers. IBA is the one you want.

If you want to get technical, these studies also point out that anywhere from 0.5 to 2.5 micromolar [[[that's a measure of molecules in solution used by chemists; there's a way to convert to ppm, but I'm already writing too much]]] is the best concentrations. IN these studies they test several strengths of these hormones to come to these conclusions.