Cloning and Watering


Well-Known Member
I run a perpetual grow operation and cut down 2 plants a week. As I've said before, keeping a perp going is all about timing. When I harvest 2 p[lants I need to have 2 veggers the right size to take their place in the flower room. Then I have 2 holes in my veg room.... You can see where that's going, eh? 85% of my finishing plants are self-generated clones. So I need a cloning operation that is timely and predictable. Lately my 100% cloning success rate has suffered and I set out to figure out why. I decided the low humidity here in Michigan was affecting my plants. So I started taking out clones on their fourth day in the dome and dipping the bottom of the jiffy pellet in water. Only gave the pellets 2-3 seconds to siphon up what water they could in that time. The idea is that by just wetting the bottom of the pellet I am forcing the roots to grow to reach the moisture. Anyway, my clones are rooting again and everything is back normal. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Nice to know, I plan to take some cuttings if I get males and root them just to kinda experiment with them :D


Active Member
Hmm, good idea. I too have been having issues and cant figure it out. I have been at a 100% for yrs and now all of a sudden I cant get shit to root..WTF?


Well-Known Member
i have issues cloning all the time... one batch will root at 95% and next one at 50-60% the stems slowly get soft and the end tip turns brown. it drives me freakin crazy.
Easy way to do cuttings/clones. (They're not really clones because their DNA structure is altered from generation to generation.)

Step One mix up some Dyna-Gro neem oil at 3 teaspoons per gallon and Coco-Wet at a half a teaspoon per gallon. Spray the plant or plants you are planning on taking cuttings from this way you eliminate any pests or mildews that are present.

Step Two mix up Clonex Solution at 38 ml per gallon and pH the mixture to 5.5.

Step three soak your media with the Clonex Solution that you just mixed up. They don't need soaked any longer than it takes for the rockwool/plug to become fully saturated. Then squeeze each rockwool/plug to remove excess moisture, not too hard not too soft.

Step four cut on your plant anywhere you want. As long as the stem is strong enough to penetrate the rockwool/plug that you're placing it in then it's a great candidate. If you can get three internodes on each cutting that would be best but sometimes you'll only get two internodes and that will work fine. It's important to make your cutting similar in size so none of them get overshadowed. I usually place 24 cuttings in each 9"x11" tray.

Step Five place the stalk of your cutting into clonex gel in a shot glass. About an inch of the stalk should be submerged in the gel. Wipe the excess gel off on the sides of your shot glass.

Step Six put cutting into your rockwool/plug. I generally don't use the pre-made hole because it doesn't provide a tight fit.

Step Seven I cut off the tips of all of the larger leaves and generally leave two fan leaves per cutting.

Step Eight place into clone trays and put on humidity domes.

Step Nine daily I remove the humidity dome and let the cuttings set exposed for as long as I can before they become too droopy. When they first appear droopy I foliar spray with 18 ml per gallon of Clonex Solution and 1 teaspoon of Coco-Wet mixed into filtered water. I then allow some of the moisture to evaporate before putting the dome back on. Each day I open the slits on my dome about a 1/4" inch until about day 6 they are completely open. Every day I repeat this process making sure to leave them exposed longer and longer until finally they no longer become droopy at this point they all should have roots.

Step Ten only water the rockwool/plugs when they start drying out. Any foliar sprays that you use you should try and not allow the excess water to drip into your tray because the excess moisture will cause problems. When roots have appeared on 80% of my cuttings I begin to give them mild base nutrients.

If you're roots are brown and crispy they are drying out too much. If they are brown and slimy they are being kept too wet. If the main internode becomes brown and slimy you are keeping the humidity too high or that cutting was not receiving enough light.