Cloning during flower DIY bubble cloner

That manifold doesnt have moving parts...
The pump is stationary an the manifold screws in.

I bought a turbo klone vs the diy version.but yours looks well made
My mistake, I thought the tips would spin with water pressure kind of like a dishwasher

Thank you very much for the compliment, only time will tell how well it’s made.
I have added some vegging cuttings to the mix to see how they do versus flowering clones. Basically a more fair test of the machine.


The newest cuts are Permanent Marker that I just took from the mother.
The flowering cuts have some potent terps, but nothing like these after 12/12!
They actually smell and taste like the old squeaky permanent markers! Not that I’ve ever tasted any permanent markers o_O:lol:
You try buying a new dome? Different root plugs? I got mine with bugs so I get from local store now to get clean plugs, just new source is what I mean. The slightest infection they wont root it seems.

My dome gets this white residue that always comes back on the cubes so Id think it can harbor nasties. My aero worked once then seemed like always infected then found this method.

Making me nervous, clones all I do and this methods been great. Last time idk what happened one didnt root and took a while. It was winter so idk. Usually 6-14 days.
Yes I did buy new trays domes etc. I bleach everything before using it anyways. Just started having problems with plants getting moldy, dying, taking forever to root for some reason. Couldn't figure it out. Went to the aero and had roots in 5days on root horny strains. Now I can literally depend on the fact every cut will root within 10 days usually 5-7. It's never taken me longer than 10 days to start seeing root growth. I just set it and forget it. Add some hypochlorous acid every 7days and I get wicked thick white roots Everytime. That's why I was recommending just biting the bullet and buying one but everyone is diff and will do things their own way so no harm no foul. At least op has some info if they change their mind down the road I guess.
Yes I did buy new trays domes etc. I bleach everything before using it anyways. Just started having problems with plants getting moldy, dying, taking forever to root for some reason. Couldn't figure it out. Went to the aero and had roots in 5days on root horny strains. Now I can literally depend on the fact every cut will root within 10 days usually 5-7. It's never taken me longer than 10 days to start seeing root growth. I just set it and forget it. Add some hypochlorous acid every 7days and I get wicked thick white roots Everytime. That's why I was recommending just biting the bullet and buying one but everyone is diff and will do things their own way so no harm no foul. At least op has some info if they change their mind down the road I guess.
I was wondering about how often to change the water. I’ve been finding all different answers all over the place.

I assume using the hypochlorous acid means you don’t have to change the water until you’re done, kind of like maintaining a pool with chlorine. If so, that’s a great tip and exactly what I was looking for!:clap::hump:

So let’s say for argument sake it took over 14 days to see roots you would’ve added the acid twice to the same original water?
I was wondering about how often to change the water. I’ve been finding all different answers all over the place.

I assume using the hypochlorous acid means you don’t have to change the water until you’re done, kind of like maintaining a pool with chlorine. If so, that’s a great tip and exactly what I was looking for!:clap::hump:

So let’s say for argument sake it took over 14 days to see roots you would’ve added the acid twice to the same original water?
Once at start once 7 days later then again 7 days later if they still in there. I personally don't change the water because I use hypochlorous acid. If you can't get it, there a great thread on how to make clear Rez for pennies with pool shock. Same idea.
The ones in the blue pucks are notoriously picky rooters but within a few days they'll go too. They've already started.
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