Cloning I suck.


Well-Known Member
Out of 9 clones i took 4 have died already. I have 5 left but they are not looking good. Ive read the FAQ on cloning i must be doing something wrong not enough water or too much or the humidity dome is too small. >< Any more guides out there?


Well-Known Member
cloning is usually a very easy proccess. take a healthy plant that is in veg and take a clipping off that has at least 2 nodes above the cut point. dip the end in clone-ex or something (gels work best) and then stuff it in some moist rockwool cubes. make sure you do not use your HID lamp until they have rooted (1-3 weeks). make sure to keep them moist, they need it. since they dont have roots to suck up water you need to spray them 2 times a day. there you are cloned.


Well-Known Member
Im using rockwool cubes, maybe im just impatient. It was my first time so im pretty sure i can do better just got to cut the right parts =o. When i spray then should i use plain water or this water/thrive alive B1?


Active Member
Some strains are harder to clone than others. If you keep having trouble try pure perlite or perlite mixed with vermiculite. Even pure vermiculite worked for me. The reason rockwell might not be working is it's PH is off.


Well-Known Member
rockwool works ok for me...
maybe try making a couple incisions on the side of the bottom of the cutting, if you didnt try already...then dip in the gel/powder

the leaves will sometimes droop really bad but they come back once rooting begins.


Well-Known Member
the 45 degree angle is a must? Also cutting it under water? im confused. whats like the criteria for the clone itself. Can i get some detailed pictures of a perfect clone before and after its cut maybe =). There is pictures of one of my plants in veg and the clones but not close up in the indoor section. I havent a clue how to make a link.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Things to keep in mind.Using rockwool cubes is easiest.Presoak them in ph balanced water of 5.5 the day before your gonna use them. Then after soaking you want to get the excess water out of the cubes but dont want to really squeeze them dry as squeezing closes the needed spaces throughout the cube. Get the cube so its moist through out not dripping wet just moist but not dry. To dry it wont root to wet you get rot slow or no rooting.Cut your clones and toss them into room temp bowl of water til all clones are cut. As a clone taker for years I have found that gels do not work well.I find powders out do gels by a great deal. I get 98% success with rooting poder and about 70% with gels such as clonex.Now you have your selected clones.There are a few people who get real technical with the clones cutting but what I do is just put some clone powder in a small pile in the lid.I then make a 1/4 inch long 45 degree angle cut on the clones stem while holding it under water.This stops air from entering the cut and excess infection.I then tend to make real light scuffs with my exacto knife on the stem around the 45 degree cut. I then dip about 1/2 inch of the cut clones stem into the cloning powder and twist it giving it a good coating as the excess will make a paste in the rockwool cube giving the needed hormones. Dont use an absurd amount but coat the sstem cut all around the stem. Then gently slide the end into the hole in the rockwool cubes.I use my knifes back edge to close the hole around the stem as if you leave it open air gets in and will stop the clone from rooting.After they are in rockwool cubes they go into a clone dome tray with a clear lid.Now it really does help to have a seedling mat here but a small heating pad can be used.I place the heat pad down and then place like 6 pencils or such items spaced out on the pad then the tray ontop of those.This keeps the temps up but the space stops the tray from getting to warm .Place the clones in the tray and then lightly mist the clones so they are wet.Close the lid dont mist the lid as it just blcoks the light.Now I use florescent shop lights set right on top of the clear dome top and then I like to toss a piece of mylar over the top to reflect the light back in not needed but I find it helps.Levae the light on 24/7 dont turn it off.The first day you dont even have to open the dome. The next day open it for about 5 minutes respray the clones lightly dont over spray keep the tray wet and just moist. Do this for a total of about 5-10 days after day 4 open the lid for about 10 minutes a day to exchange the air.I usually have roots poppin through in 3-5 days except with blueberry for some reason they take 14 or more days to root for me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks FilthyFletch, i did what ya said to the letter. Cut a new clone today. How important is the 24 hours of light? Atm they are on 18 hours, i got to run a another power cord to take it off the timer, which isnt a problem just dont want so many cords running into the closet.

Also i took it from a mom i have that is 6 days into flowering. Will this effect it? If so how much?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have tried 18 and 24 over the years and find 24 hours give s a better success rate and faster roots.You can do the 18 on but make sure you have the humidity dome warmed but the heating mat as low temps will stop rooting. I personally use 24 hours on for my clones,seedlings and my vegging plants then I go 12/12.I ususally grow aero and need almost no veg time from clone.I clone get roots in 3-5 days veg on 24 hours on for 10 days the planst tend to be about 14 inches then I go into 12/12.Just dont use big lights on the little clones until they root and are in your grow setup then ween the hps lights down over a couple days to ease them into the power of the light


Well-Known Member
I think that whirlpool is older then me. Going go take a pic of one clone that is doing something odd.