Cloning In CoCo question..


Active Member
So I took a lot of cuts and just put them into coco.. They're in solo cups and some of them are wilted, and some of them are turning yellow. I pulled one out of the coco to just see.. and saw roots coming out.
So for that one clone that has roots coming out, should I just let it sit in the solo cup and keep misting until I can see roots on the bottom of the solocup? Do I start feeding it nutes?
Keep them in the cups until you see them start putting out new growth...once you see new growth, you'll know the roots are good and you're off to the races. And yes, feed them...coco can't do it on its own. Good luck.
Ideally, keep them 80+ f. High humidity best, can reduce or eliminate need to mist. Make a dome of sorts if needed to keep them in high humidity. Low light.
Easy on the misting too. I usually don't mist at all...but i'm in a humid location. Go easy on the nutes, 300ppm is a good start.
Sup Cannademik?

I'd recommend not starting them out in the solo cups, I would find a respectable container for the clones to start out in, they grow much faster than seeds, and will over take a tiny solo cup pretty quick imo. I start mine in half gallon containers myself.

With the yellowing leaves and wilting, (without pics) makes me wonder if your deciding to leave too many leaves up top? I usually just leave the 3-5 top leaves depending on size, if too much leaf mass is left on a clone it can overwhelm and cause the cutting extreme stress and/or kill it. The plant can only handle a certain amount of photosynthesizing while it is attempting to grow new roots.

It is a good idea to pull/cut any leaves off the cutting that is to be taken 8-12hrs beforehand, this allows the plant itself to respond to the defoliation, rather than just the clone itself after Is taken (Lowered stress = faster rebound/recovery).

Lastly, take your cuts 1 hour after lights out, let the plant go into sleep mode before taking your cuts from it, I usually wait 15mins extra on top of that hour, I've had good success keeping clones standing straight up the entire time and grow roots faster this way, I notice growth on the tops of my plants within 5 days with this method in soil, works great.

I don't grow in coco personally, but I did want to offer advice where I could, take care friend/s.
Cloning in coco works great. Presoak the coco in 1/4 strength nutes. Squeeze out the excess. You want the coco damp not wet. Make a small hole in the coco, I use a chopstick. Take your cut, dip in honey, put in hole, pack coco tight but not compacted. You can use a dome with the vents open for a day or two and mist lightly if needed. It's better to mist the inside of the dome rather than the plants themselves. The goal is to increase the humidity not keep the clones wet. Keep in indirect light. Wait for roots. It's that simple.

These were taken from an Old Timers Haze that was in flower. I thought they would take longer to root but was amazed at how quick they rooted. I'm sold on using honey. Which is good since I always have some on hand in the kitchen.

Rooted in a week


After being transplanted into a larger container and revegging.

What passive lighting? I have a hlg100 at like 4' away.
Low level, off to the side. Filtered. You don't want the plant to be able to photosynthesis full on.
I put clones on the floor of the veg, room. Makes the plant make roots for feeding.
Wow a lot of them rooted! Even shoot through the drainage holes in my solo cup. Just transplanted 8 of them. I might not build this aero cloner after all.. I was having doubts but straight coco and a dome works!!!!!
Wow a lot of them rooted! Even shoot through the drainage holes in my solo cup. Just transplanted 8 of them. I might not build this aero cloner after all.. I was having doubts but straight coco and a dome works!!!!!

Yes coco works.