cloning in rockwool


Active Member
If someone was to start a clone in rockwool & then transplant into soil, how deep would they want to put the rockwool cube into the soil?


Well-Known Member
about 1/2 - 3/4 of the rockwool under soil. Burying too deep will limit rooting depth in pot. Ive always seen the cube partially above soil in rockwool to soil transplants.


Well-Known Member
ahhh see very different views. as everyone i know burries to first node as the root depth is only going to be affected less than 1/2 inch.


Well-Known Member
Actually either way works....but I would rather have the room for roots. 1/2" may be an extra gram or two in finished product.


Active Member
so if someone burried the entire cube would it adversly affect the growth? would it cause the roots/base of the plant to be too moist as the rockwool seems to hold water longer then the soil?