Cloning Machine Water Change?


Hey whats going on everybody? I am in the process of crossing a "The Black" male with a "trainwreck" and "Lavendar" female. Great results so far.

But my question is. I just recently made a cloning machine to help my babies root. Do I need to change the water out of the machine and keep adding solution to the water? If so how often should I do this. Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
You should closely monitor the water for signs of bacteria or algae. If you are using an additive to do that, you are probably OK with the same water, start to finish of rooting.


Well-Known Member
You should closely monitor the water for signs of bacteria or algae. If you are using an additive to do that, you are probably OK with the same water, start to finish of rooting.
I thought you are meant to change the water every 5-7 days


Well-Known Member
not me...i change it as needed... since i only use water, in a clear one gallon container, and a hell of a lot of bubbles, i never actually NEED to change anything....just top it off really


Well-Known Member
not me...i change it as needed... since i only use water, in a clear one gallon container, and a hell of a lot of bubbles, i never actually NEED to change anything....just top it off really
And how do you decide when does the water need to be changed ? Wouldn't the ph (or other characteristics) of the water change if you leave it too long ?


New Member
really as often as possible and monitor the ph, you don't need to add any solution, you could use h2o2, a grow nute, superthrive, or whatever at a low dose but its totally unessecary - most important thing is monitor ph and watch for algae or bacteria.

If you want a good guide id say change it every week or two if its not that much of a hassle - I have left the same water for months at a time only topping it off. This can slow your growth as can not monitoring the PH but you are only using it for cloning so really there is no reason to do any maintenance whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info deprave :) My reservoir is only 2L so it's pretty easy to change the water, I'll start doing it every 1-2 weeks instead of every 5-7 days thought :)