cloning my male weed plant


is this possible to do? if so please post info on the easiest/fastest way to clone and get good bud.
my plant is prob about 3 months old and i believe its a hermie so idk if its b possible but reply.:weed:


Well-Known Member
yes i think it is possible to do. but the plant will still come out male. because its a clone. wont be no smoke. easy


Well-Known Member
The process for cloning a male would be the same as with a female plant, and will work.

Take a cutting at a 45 degree angle above a node. Plant this is a growing medium treated with a rooting hormone, keep under a light and high humidity. Roots should show in a week or so.

Proceed to plant as normal.

Male plants are not worth cloning, in my opinion.

I would just let it grow out in a room away from your other plants, allow it to ripen, collect the pollen, and use this to pollinate my future crops, in the event I would like some seeds.

If it is hermie, just leave it be. move it from the other plants so as to not pollinate them, then allow it to cross, and produce seeds, which will be good for your next grow!


its some bag seed. and yeah im not going to clone him cuz it wil be really pointless. but thanks guys. i have another smaller plant growing and i hope its a female