Cloning outdoor plants?


Well-Known Member
The best you could really hope for is using some cloning gel or powder and putting her n some soil with a humidity dome over it outside. It really depends on the outdoor conditions you're might take a couple weeks, but you may get some success... why not just bring it inside and use proper equipment?


Well-Known Member
My dad just drops cuttings into cups filled with soil and gets at least a
60% survuval rate, but again why not just take them inside?


Well-Known Member
Hell, i've seen people drop branches into a jar of water and it grows roots. It's a tough little plant to be sure.
Same we both said already... why not inside...?
I dont want to take them inside because this will be for a guerrilla grow. Plus we wont be able to depend on western comforts all the time (electricity) due to different scenarios that coupd play out.

Should the same procedure be followed as indoors? Shaving off tips, clone/root gel, etc?

For the ones who placed the cutting directly in soil or water did they leave the cutting directly in the sun or with a little shade?


Active Member
i have took branches off outdoor plants and stuck them right into the soil next to the plant and have about 60% success. as long as the soil stays moist most plants will do this. some strains will root easy and some not so much. this is not how i would recommend cloning. getting some gel would increase your odds to more like 95% even outdoors. marijuana clones really easy. also this was always done with a little shade from bigger plants nearby.


Well-Known Member
I do it all the time with stuff other than MJ , but its the same process

just cut the green wood/ fresh flesh on a 45 dip in cloneing solution/powder and plant in a steril medium seed starter / vermiculite and keep moist

and keep it in the shade untill it starts growing , then transplant give a few days and move to sunny location

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Using a clear plastic garbage bag a cloning bin can quickly be set up in the woods or anywhere. A bucket with a piece of clear plastic over it is good for 6 or so. When using a bucket etc be sure to punch or drill many 1/4" holes in the bottom for air and drainage and put an air hole about as big as a quarter in the lower side for air. I always set my new snips on a single layer of gravel. Apparently powder is better than gel. Pick a rooting harmone made for semi-hardwood for the best results.