cloning problems


Ok so I have watched a bunch of videos on cloning but I have tried two times and my plants keep dieing. I make my cuts about a inch from the second noed on a 45 i dip them in my rooting hormone and stick them into my puck that i have soaked in 7ph water i then put them in a tray put the humidity dome over them and stick them under some hooligan lights i use for sprouting but in a day all my clones just go limp and die what do i need to do different next time


Well-Known Member

DirtyCarl click on the Grow Lab thread linked below and go to post #10 - look in the manila bar above the post, to the right, there is a "#" and the post number.

I have some basic cloning instructions there that I want to develop into a pictorial - if you will help me by working through the cloning method on that thread I will help you to have 100% success rate in your cloning in under a week, as quick or quicker than a bubbler, using: empty fruit cups from the grocery store; pro mix; and distilled water.

Simple resilient low tech method. Easy, cheap, fast, high (100%) success rate.





Well-Known Member
Hi ya Carl :)

It's not uncommon for cuttings to go limp and bend over ... but it don't mean they are dead , as it has no roots it need's the humidity to to take in oxygen via the leaves , this can make the cuttings go soft , It may be the case that you have to many leaves left on the cutting to ... its a good idea to trim some of the excess waight off .

when you first take the cuttings ... leave them under the light ( halogen will not be good mate .... try a CFL ) and go back every few hours and just remove the dome for a few seconds to let some air in ... mist them with a mister ( they will suck oxygen from that mist ...after a day or 2 you can open the top of the dome a bit ( if it has a vent ) to allow the cutting to breath .

But remember ... just coz its keeled over it dont mean its dead ...its programed to fight for its life and if you do the right things it WILL live :)