Cloning question (Turbo Klone and rockwool)

Clueless n00b here - hope the Wise Ones can sort out my confusion on this.

I'm just getting started, and so far haven't had any luck generating clones
from some nice, healthy mothers. The common problems, I think, including
stem rot before we can get any roots to come out, and leaves that just
don't stay healthy.

So I figured I'd take a stab at an EZ Clone; the local shops carry the Turbo
Klone, so that's what I picked up. We'll give it a try over the next few days,
but I'm curious about one thing. The cutting just gets stuck into the slit in
the little foam rubber puck and the cut end hangs down in the mist inside the
box. No problem there. But once the clone is healthy and ready to move to
the aeroponic table, isn't it going to need some physical support to keep it
upright in the mesh basket? I figure that's one of the functions of having it
rooted in a rockwool cube, but can one insert the clone into the rockwool
once it's begun to root?


Thanks very much.


Well-Known Member
yes rockwool cubes come as a hole cube and also they come with holes in the middle of the cubes designed for jiffypellets and stuff.


Well-Known Member
If you want some sort of media for support, I think hydroton rocks are preferred. You could also use perlite, or get some small rockwool cubes. You wont be able to insert the rooted clone into the cube, but you can wet the cube and then pull it apart. You can use the material to pack lightly around the clone and hold it in place.

John Droe

na bro you dont wana use rockwool with aero the rockwool will stay too wet. once you get roots you use neoprene collars to provide support for the plant, check out stinkbuds thread for example


Well-Known Member
I had the same question. Have turbo cloner. After cloning "hopefully amazing roots happen" then how do I get it into the rockwool. I am doing Ebb and flow. Like "mr green" but he uses rockwool in his flood and drain. So wtf? Do I skip the rockwool? Do I transplant into rockwool or just get some net pots and use clay pellets? ERRRR?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I've always cloned "manually", so to speak, in that I use rooting hormones, Rapid Rooters, and a humidity dome. I've had good results, but for fun I've recently decided to try an aeroponic cloner: the Clone King. I'll be planting my rooted clones in ProMix HP.

Before you go to the EZ Clone, I suggest you learn to clone "manually", for the learning experience. It's very satisfying. Just MHO.