Cloning Question


Active Member
hey everyone im trying to clone a few plants in an aquarium ive been aiming a humidifyer into the aqaurium with a clear plastic sheet covering it--- and even though the whole aqaurium is densely fogged up, the humidity reading is only 50%........whats the best way to get my clone aquarium to 90% humidity like the cloning methods say? :confused:

also, i had very little light on the clones for the first three days since they were snipped. i started using 2 26w cfls as of yesterday when i noticed they were looking droopy. would that have ruined this clone operation?


Well-Known Member
Good morning thekeefmaster
#1- mist your clones with some spring water, that`s what I do, once sometimes twice a day, this will help.
#2- eventually it would have...but they should be ok now with the light.