Cloning question.


Active Member
What's crackin RIU? Been cloning in soil only until now and I gots a few questions. Using rockwool and X nutrients cloning gel (rooted in two days, this shit kicks ass!) The only thing I am unsure of is, When do I remove the plastic wrap around the rockwool? I'm thinking I should leave it on there until ready to plant in soil. Yes or no? Thanks folks!:bigjoint:

Captain Ahab

Active Member
I would definitely leave it on until it goes into soil. Exposure to air will kill the root hairs and damage the growing tip on those fresh roots. Could poke a few holes in the baggy (carefully) to allow enough gas exchange for the roots to get some oxygen, though.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Not too much, though... remember you want the humidity around those roots to be ~100% to avoid burning them off. A half-dozen or so pokes with a paperclip or sewing needle will be plenty to allow gas exchange.


Active Member
Glad I checked before i ran off to do it. I was just showing my girl your post about the true hermie, Good stuff! Anyway, time to put the knife down and find a needle.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Haha put the knife down.. no need to do anything rash.
Thanks about the hermie post man.. I think that post is cool enough for a sticky, but we'll see what the mods think. It's also in my grow journal in my status, swing by sometime if you feel like it- i joined this forum hoping for lots of discussion, but the grow journal area can seem pretty desolate at times. Anyway, glad I could help.