cloning quetion??


Active Member
whats the best way to clone from outside plants during the summer?tried taking some and puting them in rock wool,inside with other clones,and they didnt do real well.tried some strait into vermiculite and perlite in tubes,outside in shade.they r still looking good,but no roots still after two weeks.?any sugestions would be great:fire:


Well-Known Member
try watering then with some rooting solution.
are they indica?
maybe the strain is a hard to clone strain.


Well-Known Member
are you using domes?
is there enough moisture in there?
good rooting compound?
did you cut in a 45 angle? try cutting little lines near the bottom to promote root growth?
i have had hard plants to clone too, i put 10 in a small dome and put in complete darkness ans had awesome growth!!


Well-Known Member
i put them under my living room table and to my suprize they did live and grew very strong and thick roots..... and it did take about 35 days to root, but i think it was a very interesting trial...... but it seriously worked... i think 3 died...and one died after transplant to soil


Active Member
ty for replies,really apriciate it.i havnt been using domes,just have them in part of grow room,humitity is good,am cutting right,i have no probs with indoor indicas,but these out side ones are definetly sativas.took some from outside plant which is indica dominant,put them in tubes in perl,vamic mix,see how these ones go.
are you using domes?
is there enough moisture in there?
good rooting compound?
did you cut in a 45 angle? try cutting little lines near the bottom to promote root growth?
i have had hard plants to clone too, i put 10 in a small dome and put in complete darkness ans had awesome growth!!

john q. public

Active Member
get a cheap cloner off ebay, an aeroponic cloner... i have a 25site cloner that gets about 90% success rate...

and use clonex.... i swear on that stuff...


Active Member
these r the new batch of out door clones,how do they look?
whats the best way to clone from outside plants during the summer?tried taking some and puting them in rock wool,inside with other clones,and they didnt do real well.tried some strait into vermiculite and perlite in tubes,outside in shade.they r still looking good,but no roots still after two weeks.?any sugestions would be great:fire:


john q. public

Active Member
how old are they? they look solid...

im gonna have to go back to this post several times, i had never thought that cloning would be any different with indoors/outdoors....

always learning...


Active Member
ive found that clones taken from plants outside like to remain outside,but take longer to root.Where as clones off indoor plants like to remain indoors,at least til rooted.