Cloning troubles

I took 4 cuttings from my plants just before I started flowering them, about a week ago and a couple of them are discoloring and what not but have roots formed so I don't know whats causing it. I gave them a super light nutrient feeding yesterday and the yellowing has only gotten worse, what can I do to save my clone?



Well-Known Member
id say let that thing grow out. no nutrients.. you'll most likely burn the thing to death with feed right now. if she has roots, throw her in some dirt, and water her when she is thirsty..


Well-Known Member
I agree with Guzias1...ease up on the nutes. When cloning, a little yellowing is expected before a full recovery.


Well-Known Member
They use those leaves much as a seedling uses it's cotyledon leaves for food in it's infancy. They live off of the stored sugars and carbohydrates in those leaves until their roots form and begin to feed themselves. If you have roots showing, don't feed them anything, yet. The leaves will usually yellow as this happens, and new growth should begin. Treat it gently as you would a seedling at this point, and let it develope a little root sydtem and generate some new growth before you start giving it baby doses.
Think of it- Once cut, the cutting can no longer use up or matabolize any nutes at all, until it has some new growth to use it. Virtually anything you give them is an overdose at this point. Until then, it spends all of it's energy using the hormones and stored food to form root's. It's thinking the whole time" shit, we gotta find water". That's why humidity/transpiration rate are criritcal, during the first few days. Light spectrum and intensity plays a big roll, too.
Its just that I have 4 other clonelings and not any of them yellowed after being taken out of my Humidity controlled hot box, this is the only one. All of my clones were left in for exactly 7 days, and 4 of the 5 are green and have new growth already started thats why I was curious as to why it's doing this, I gave all my clones a mixture of Jungle juice Mirco and Grow at 50 PPM and diluted it further to 10 PPM in a water bottle, and the other clones (which are from the same exact plant) and shooting new growth spots like no tomorrow. Did I fuck up somewhere? Also this is the only clone after watering that had a really dark red drainage, the other ones drained clear maybe I fucked it up? The Hot box has 3 4ft U-Shaped Fluorescent Bulbs with a reflective coating on the inside.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
you're good. it seems like the ones that are yellowing out could possibly come from plants that didn't have as much food in them as much as the ones that are green.


Well-Known Member
I persoanally haven't has good results using cuttings from between nodes like that, but that's me. If she doesn't show some leaf soon, she doesn't have a great chance. Your roots didn't or haven't continued growing for whatever reason. It's all about the roots!!!!! Have you ever seen the rootball on an 18" hydro gro? It's literally 14-18" long and 6" on dia. Looks like a wad of blonde hair, sortof.
Soil ph is cool?
NOT overwatering?
Big thing I've foud along the way is not to feed them anything whatsoever until they have some good new growth green on them, which means they have roots, and can begin to metabolize the food. Until then, it'll burn the piss out of them. The more nute sensitive hazes and sativas will turn into a little pile of cooked spinach if you hit them with anything stronger that water.
In the past, if they had a little root when I planted but looked weak or couldn't catch up with the others, I use only ph'd water- (1gal.) w/ 1 or 2 drops of Superthrive, and 2 or 3 DROPS ONLY of BLOOM fert, - for the potassium- and try to get the roots stimulated, It's all about the roots.
Hope your little one feels better, Bro!
The water I'm using it filtered water, so there is no chlorine from the tap, where i live they put fluride and chlorine in our water so I have a 5 stage water filter on my tap. She has tiny little growth spots but they aren't taking off. The water I used has a PH of 6.7 after a drop of PH down. Jungle Juice has all the nutrients I should need between the Micro and Grow. I'm just praying that she brightens up like the other 4 :(