Cloning ?

HEy everyone! Im a noob with a noob ? I have 1 plant that is about 5 feet tall it has already started to flower has about 15 bud sites. First off Im growing with these damn flouros (still trying to get my hps) Can I take cuttings from her even though there are bud sites already showing???? And also when I get this hps in a few weeks, will the difference be dramitic? I mean switching from flouros to hps while its already flowering? Any responces will be appreciated!


The sooner you take the cuttings now the better. You can clone a flowering plant but it seems to become more of a challenge the further along in flower the plant is.

Wait a second...did you say it is 5 feet tall and now beginning to flower? Hope you've got an additional 4 or 5 feet of headspace there because that plant is going to end up being a monster if given proper lighting.

HPS bulbs output a heck of a lot more light than fluorescent bulbs do...especially if you're using CFLs or something.