Close up! Normal or strange?


Well-Known Member
I noticed something strange that I never noticed until I looked at one of the full size photos I took of my baby seedlings

weed closeup.jpg

You can see it is covered in what looks like white dots. This is normal right?

Almost looks like when you get a close up of a dank nug when it has all the crystals.


Well-Known Member
not normal that little.. was she a clone?

it appears to be THC??

btw.. people still use MIRC?



Well-Known Member
ok.. again.. It's odd to see any plant tha young esp as seedling with that.. whatever it is..

IMO it seems like THC.. no other way I can see it.. bugs dont like the younger ladies.. least not in my outdoor world..

I cant see it being anything but THC... as odd as it is..

Anyone else think it's odd?

LOL ok.. I guess I am a bit old for MIRC now.. tried it back in the 90's.. and prodigy chat as well..

even logged on to the "RIU chat" guess they was all cyber banging each other. cuz is was silent in there..


Well-Known Member
Temps are indeed not cold if anything they are too warm. at night right now I am lucky if it drops below 80. I have to have my A/C on in my house if I want it to be under 80 degrees until like 8PM


Well-Known Member
It is on all of my little seedlings. It is never under 75 in my room. It probably never will be until winter comes around.

Here are other seedlings.



New Member
I get something similar to that in early veg when I'm using my cool mist humidifier to keep the RH above 50%. It goes away by week 3-4.


Well-Known Member
So I am going to not worry and believe you guys and take it as normal. It does look like crystals on a dank bud though :p They are only 2 weeks old too, from seed.

  • I want to look at the stuff under a microscope to see what it is, but I don't have one :'(



Active Member
normal alot of my seedling look like that i guess some of you guys have never looked real close before