Closet Chronic....


Active Member
started with 4 got 4, whoo hoo lucky.

smoked 1 plant all left is tops of other 3,

comments welcome

sorry for double post



Active Member
nice, what strain is it chronic?

idk any of the strains, one is a seed from nirvana seeds, but im not exactly sure on the strain, looks like afghan

the other 3 were just random bag seeds that we saved from good green

yeilded roughly 1 3/4 ounces, dried in burlap sac for a few days then into brown paper bags for a while to further dry

ive been smoking the shit out of it because they just taste good? like right after they dried they taste good i didnt have to really cure them, but i still have them in the bag, last time i tried jar even when bud seemed dry it took on unwanted characteristicts mainly with taste, so im waiting or i might not even use jars this time, paper bag seems to be doing the job. just air that mofo out about 2 times a day

i believe this time the burlap sac really allowed the bud to dry right cause last time i growed i just hanged them upside down with buds exposed and when they dried it didnt do it right, but advice to other peoples seriously, get a burlap sac... it works