Closet Grow; CFL veg closet and 400 watt HPS bloom closet


Active Member
I am starting a grow in a standard 2'5" X 5' X 7'5" closet. Well 2 closets to be precise. One Half closet for veg, clones and perhaps a mother, the other half of the same closet for growing supplies, extra medium, spare blubs ect. A separate closet of the same dimensions entirely for flowering.

I am seeking advice on an efficent method to fully take advantage of the limited space and wattage for my bloom room.

I currently have 6 TGA Chernobyl, 3 Green House Shiva Shanti, and one bag seed from the most fragrant and dank plushberry I've ever seen. (pics coming soon) All plants are from seed, all have popped and been planted in Light Warrior blend in solo cups. Soil was prepared with Unsulphored Molasses and Mychorize.

All plants are currently vegging under 4 26w 5500k CFLs with 2 additional 24w 2' T-8 bulbs as side lighting. Air temps around 67-72 degrees. Humidity @ 54%.