Closet space practice run.


This all started as an accident. I had some seeds in my bag and dropped them in a pot of tulips just for kicks, a week later I had sprouts. I picked the four strongest ones and put them under a single CFL for about a week before I decided to see what I could get out of them in a short time period. I happened to have a perfectly sized walk in closet that then got turned into the grow room. Two shelves got knocked out a carbon scrubber was installed and power strips were duct tapped to the walls with 26 watt 6500k CFL's on splitters surrounding the plants. This set up worked for about 3 days, a lowes trip resulted in a hanging let set up so that I could adjust to the growth rate. Each plant got 4 26 watt 6500k lights and at week 3 I began giving them age old nutes. I am using a 2 part nute system, Age old bloom and age old grow. Age old organics makes some awesome nutes that I would highly recommend to anyone. This grow is being done on a limited time schedule and will be done start to finish in little over 2 months. I am not very happy about the time frame but my progress so far has shown me that I can grow beautiful plants and is all I needed to take my growing further... Now for some pictures... and more to come.


Today is day six of flowering, I am already noticing substantial growth rate. Probably faster than during the veg period. I think the nutes I am giving for flowering are much better than the veg nutes. I am diluting 1.5 tbs per gallon and splitting a gallon between four plants. Watering until I see drainage in the catch pan and then waiting about 3-4 days between waterings. All cola's seem to be producing a crystal looking structure already and and a light purple tint. I'll post more pictures later tonight as for growth, I feel that everyone will be astonished of the growth in the last week. Any advice as to what I am doing right/wrong would be greatly appreciated. As for now I am working on getting my caregivers license so I can grow in larger quantity and doing some research on switching to 100% led lighting.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the first few weeks of a plants 12/12 stage they will double or triple in size, and you should actually feed them another dose of your Grow nutes so they have the nitrogen they need for the stretch. I've been looking into the AgeOld Organics line for months now, and if I can find some I'll probably use them for half of my outdoor grow this year. Looking forward to the new pics!


Alright guys/gals... It's time to get crafty. I just finished week one of veg and it looks like I am going to only have 3-4 weeks left before I have head back across the country (got a job in Maine.) Is there any possible way to flower these girls out in this amount of time or am I crazy? I am going to keep growing them either way, if nothing else I can have a fat block of butter to make some brownies for my drive.
Metasynth, I was using Age old bloom (5-10-5) for my veg period and Just started Age old grow (12-6-6) for flowering. I feel like this is backwards but that's how I was told to use them when I got them. Perhaps the reason they are stretching so well is because I am pumping alot more nitrogen into them now than when I was using the other nutes.

Here is some more eye candy for you all, as well as some questions.
1. I notice alot of leaves popping out all the way up the stem of the blue pot plant, Should a be bending this plant so light can hit those guys too?
2. There is alot of growth that is not above the side of the pots and i'm wondering if I should leave it alone or trim it so I get better airflow to my soil and stop wasting photosynthesis on the bottom pointless leaves.
Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. This is a learning/proving process for me I am open to anything anyone has to say.



Well-Known Member
Man, your instincts are right, you use the Grow for veg, the Bloom for flowering...You can bend the plants to exopse more growth to light, it's called LST and rocks when used correctly. And trimming the bottom growth isn't a bad idea, if it looks like it's not gonna yield especially. Good to have airflow. And yeah, there is no way to finish them in 3 or 4 weeks, slightly tragic, but nothing you can do, so oh well! At least you'll learn something for the next time!


I may just cry at this point. I have really become "attached" to my girls and being my first grow not getting to try the product after soooo much time and money has been invested. Unacceptable. They most I could do for them would be 5 weeks flowering total. Will I have any buds at all at that point? I plan on taking some clones before I kill them and dropping them off with a friend on my way across the 40. Also could I just continue to flower the plants as long as I possible can then just make butter? Will there be enough THC in leaves/stems for this to work?


Did some heavy trimming of everything wasting photosynthesis around the bottom. I'll get pictures up later. I'm going to keep them going and see if I have any luck. As far as the trimmings go, any point making butter with them or would that be futile? Thanks for the help so far metasynth, plus rep to you. After this grow is done, whether it ever actually finishes or not I am going away for awhile to make some money. Once I have some $$$ saved look to the West for a large scale grow op, once I get my caregivers I plan on working my way up to 50+ plants... Dreams really do come true, kudos to prop 203.


Hello again, it's week three of flowering and I already have bud development. I have two weeks from today before I pack up my shit and take off. I pulled a trick on the ladies and kicked them back to only 9 hours of light per day and within 3 days had bud development. Should I leave them on this schedule or put them back to 12/12 so they have longer days to absorb some light? I feel like the shorter the day the harder they are working to produce...or if they had a boyfriend, reproduce. I trim them about once a week to keep the light focused on the buds and also to keep the air moving and temperature lower... when they start getting bushy temps go into the higher 80's instead of around 79*. Pictures of progress for your hungry eyes...

