Genuity, how you liking not having to cool your room? Can't wait to see it up and running it already looks good.
I'm from philly...twenty something years ago. Used to screw my girlfriend behind the cherry hill mall. My lady friend now is from toms river, she's only been here less than a year. I'm in florida, does that count as east coast?
And finally a happy two years to us, the best thread on RIU. For those lucky enough to have met other sixers, thanks for confirming the picture I have in my head of you guys, we are in person who we are on here. DST, thank you again for starting the thread, it is by far the best group of people on here. I'm sure we've all paid visits to other threads where there is nothing but flame throwing and bullshit talk and let's not forget the abundance of horrible advice. If I spray my plants with seven-up will it make them sparkly? Yes but you have to also do it with your lights on and lower them so they're nice and close to your plants. This is the place we all come to seek refuge from the craziness around us and to show with pride what we are doing and hopefully share and learn.
Merry and happy whatever to whatever you may believe or not believe. If nothing else the world does seem different around christmas, just a bit more human. If more of the world was like the six hundred it would be an all around better place.
Peace my brothers,
heads up